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Human Aspects of Information Security, Privacy and Trust

Human Aspects of Information Security, Privacy and Trust Best Paper Award. Details in text following the image.

Best Paper Award for the 2nd International Conference on Human Aspects of Information Security, Privacy and Trust, in the context of HCI International 2014, 22-27 June 2014, Crete, Greece


Certificate for best paper award of the 2nd International Conference on Human Aspects of Information Security, Privacy and Trust. Details in text following the image

Certificate for Best Paper Award of the 2nd International Conference on Human Aspects of Information Security, Privacy and Trust
conferred to

Michael Huth, Jim Huan-Pu Kuo
(Imperial College London, United Kingdom)

for the paper entitled

"On Designing Usable Policy Languages for Declarative Trust Aggregation"

Presented in the context of
HCI International 2014
22-27 June 2014, Crete, Greece

Paper Abstract
"We argue that there will be an increasing future need for the design and implementation of declarative languages that can aggregate trust evidence and therefore inform the decision making of IT systems at run-time. We first present requirements for such languages. Then we discuss an instance of such a language, Peal  + , which extends an early prototype Peal that was researched by others in collaboration with us. Next, we formulate the intuitive semantics of Peal  + , present a simple use case of it, and evaluate to what extent Peal  +  meets our formulated requirements. In this evaluation, particular attention is given to the usability aspects of declarative languages that mean to aggregate trust evidence."

The full paper is available through SpringerLink, provided that you have proper access rights.

Last revision date: October 16, 2024
URL: http://www.hci-international.org
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