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HCI International News, Number 112, March 2022


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HCII 2022: Important Deadlines

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HCII 2022: Conference Details

HCI International 2022, jointly with its Thematic Areas and Affiliated Conferences, held under one management and one registration, invites you to participate and contribute, through papers, posters, tutorials and Student Design Competition to this major international forum for the dissemination and exchange of up-to-date scientific information on theoretical and applied areas of HCI. Past HCII Conferences were attended by about 2,000 participants from more than 85 countries.

HCII 2022 will be held under the auspices of 21 distinguished international boards. Please visit the Conference website for the list of topics of each Thematic Area / Affiliated Conference.

The Conference will be held as a rich virtual event supported with the advanced interactive features of the Whova event platform.

In addition to regular paper submissions, the Conference has a long-established tradition of inviting recognized scientists and professionals in the broader HCI field to organize parallel sessions. Prospective authors are expected to submit their proposal upon invitation from a session organizer.

An award will be presented to the Best Paper of each of the HCII 2022 Thematic Areas / Affiliated Conferences and the Best Poster extended abstract.

The Conference Proceedings will be published by Springer in a multi-volume set. Papers will appear in volumes of the Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) and Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (LNAI) series. Poster Extended Abstracts in the form of short research papers will be published in the Communications in Computer and Information Science (CCIS) series.

Student Design Competition: Students are invited to submit an up to 5-minute video clip and an abstract summarizing their design idea. The deadline for Video and Abstract Submission is 14 March 2022.

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HCII 2022: Submissions for "Late Breaking Work"

You still have the opportunity to present the latest results of your work to an international audience, by submitting a proposal for a Paper or a Poster presentation.

"Late Breaking Work" - PAPER proposals: Prospective authors should submit extended abstracts (800 words) corresponding to one of the Conference Thematic Areas. Following a fast-track peer-review process, a decision is communicated to the authors. After acceptance, the authors, apart from giving an oral presentation during the Conference, will also have the opportunity of having a full paper included in the "HCII 2022 - Late Breaking Papers" Springer LNCS Proceedings to be published after the conference, according to the below timetable:

  • Deadline for abstract submission: submission open until 28 April 2022
  • Notification of review outcome: 1 week after submission
  • Deadline for camera-ready submission and registration: 27 May 2022

"Late Breaking Work" - POSTER proposals: Prospective authors should submit abstracts (300 words). Following a fast-track peer-review process, a decision is communicated to the authors. After acceptance, the authors, apart from presenting their work during the Conference, will also have the opportunity of having an extended poster abstract (short research paper) included in the "HCII 2022 - Late Breaking Posters" Springer CCIS Proceedings to be published after the conference, according to the below timetable:

  • Deadline for abstract submission: submission open until 28 April 2022
  • Notification of review outcome: 1 week after submission
  • Deadline for camera-ready submission and registration: 27 May 2022

The “Late Breaking Work” paper and poster volumes, also published by Springer, together with the volumes to be published before the conference, will comprise the full set of the HCII 2022 Conference Proceedings.

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HCII 2022: Tutorials' Program

Twenty-five half-day tutorials will run from Monday, 27 June to Friday 1 July 2022. The description of each tutorial is available through the Conference website.

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HCII 2022: Keynote speech by Ben Shneiderman

Ben Shneiderman (Emeritus Distinguished University Professor in the Department of Computer Science and Founding Director of the Human-Computer Interaction Laboratory at the University of Maryland) will give the Keynote Speech during the Opening Plenary Session on Sunday 26 June 2022.

“Human-Centered AI: A New Synthesis”

Abstract: A new synthesis is emerging that integrates AI technologies with HCI approaches to produce Human-Centered AI (HCAI). Advocates of this new synthesis seek to amplify, augment, and enhance human abilities, so as to empower people, build their self-efficacy, support creativity, recognize responsibility, and promote social connections.
Educators, designers, software engineers, product managers, evaluators, and government agency staffers can build on AI-driven technologies to design products and services that make life better for the users. These human-centered products and services will enable people to better care for each other, build sustainable communities, and restore the environment. The passionate advocates of HCAI are devoted to furthering human values, rights, justice, and dignity, by building reliable, safe, and trustworthy systems.
The talk will include examples, references to further work, and discussion time for questions. These ideas are drawn from Ben Shneiderman’s latest book (Oxford University Press, January 2022). Further information is available.

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HCII 2022: Registration

HCII 2022 is organized and will be run as a virtual conference and all fees are offered at 50% of the 'in-person' fees.

Detailed information about the registration fees is available through the Conference website.

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Review of Ben Shneiderman's 'Human-Centered AI' book (Oxford University Press) by Joseph A. Konstan

These days it seems that pretty much anybody can write a book on How to Do X with AI and have an instant best-seller.  But what we really need today is more thought on what to do with AI, rather than simply how. Ben Shneiderman has spent decades thinking about how computing can be used to empower individuals rather than replace them; this book* is a fitting capstone that lays out principles, design guidance, and governance structures for human-centered AI.

As those familiar with Shneiderman's Designing the User Interface books (six editions of which are on my bookshelf) have come to expect, this book combines persuasive arguments with catchy lists and phrases (including the refrain of building systems that are reliable, safe, and trustworthy); it also is meticulously researched with extensive citations and well-written for a broad audience.  What these readers may not expect is that Shneiderman broadly embraces and welcomes automation and AI, so long as it is focused on human-centered innovation and utility rather than existing for its own purposes. A simple example -- worry less about building a self-driving car and more about safety systems that help drivers be safer. Or spend less time marveling at an opaque neural network that is elegant and more time thinking about how to provide the transparency, auditing, and other mechanisms needed to make this a trustworthy tool. 

It is hardly necessary to suggest that HCI practitioners and scholars should read this book -- we already recognize the importance of the topic and will welcome the crisp examples and arguments.  But the real progress will come when this book influences AI practitioners and researchers -- and advocates of AI in industry and government.  Many of them have been struggling to find the way to realize AI's potential in a socially responsible way, and this book is a step towards that goal.

Joseph A. Konstan
Associate Dean for Research, College of Science and Engineering
Distinguished McKnight Professor and Distinguished University Teaching Professor
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
University of Minnesota

* discount promotion code ASPROMP8 which can be used with Oxford order

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Recent News and Articles

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Upcoming Event

RoCHI 2022 - International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, 6-7 October, Craiova, Romania.

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About HCI International NEWS

The HCI International NEWS is a newsletter that contains information about the HCI International Conference, book reviews, news from the field of HCI, as well as links to interesting articles and conferences. If you have any questions or comments, or if you would like to contribute, please contact the Editor, Dr. Abbas Moallem. The opinions that are expressed in this Newsletter are the sole responsibility of its authors and do not represent any institution or company.

How to contribute:
We welcome your contribution to the HCI International News. Please send to us interesting news, short articles, interesting websites, etc. We will consider your comments and contributions for upcoming issues. Please send your contribution to the Editor, Dr. Abbas Moallem).

Previous Issues of HCI International NEWS are available online.

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HCI International 2022 Conference.

Table of Contents

Last revision date: October 16, 2024
URL: http://2013.hci.international
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