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HCI International News, Number 14, January 2006


Happy New Year

Handbook of Human Factors and Ergonomics

The third edition of the Handbook of Human Factors and Ergonomics, published by Wiley, is now available. In this updated edition, the editor, Professor Gavriel Salvendy, an eminent scientist and authority in the field, offers contributions from 109 scientists and practitioners around the globe. This book covers almost every subject in the field of human factors and ergonomics, and includes several revised as well as many new chapters. Part I provides an overview of human factors and ergonomics (chapters 1 and 2), followed by part II which provides a complete review of the fundamental human factors, from perception to basic biomechanics and anthropometry(chapter 3 to 13). Part III reviews tasks and jobs design (chapters 14 to 21). Part IV provides a very understandable review of the classical elements of environmental ergonomic, such as noise, vibration, and lighting. Part V (chapter 26 to 35) covers safety, health, and comfort in human factors and ergonomics that includes but is not limited to manual material handling, error analysis, hazardous materials and situations. Part VI provides an extensive review of performance modeling from mathematical modeling to virtual environments. The four chapters of Part VII cover evaluation in human factors and ergonomics and include a cost/benefits evaluation of ergonomics contributions. The vast field of Human-Computer Interaction is covered through the nine chapters of Part VIII, offering well-selected topics in this field including augmented cognition, security, mutli-modal user interfaces, etc. Part IX exclusively discusses one of today's hottest topics, which is the concept of designing for individual differences. This includes designing for people with disabilities or limitations and designing for older adults. Finally, Part X covers several interesting topics such as standards, automation design, motor vehicle transpiration, medicine, and process controls. Without question the Handbook of Human Factors and Ergonomics is a must-have book for every student, academic, and practitioner. Until January 31, 2006, the publisher is offering a special prepublication price for this book. For more information, please visit the Wiley site or download the book flyer.


Handbook of Human Factors and Ergonomics, Wiley, 2006, 1760 pages.ISBN: 0-471-44917-2
General Wiley site
International book link at Wiley site
European book link at Wiley site

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Brief Book Review: Joint Cognitive Systems: Foundation of Cognitive Systems Engineering

In the nine compact chapters of Joint Cognitive Systems (JCS), two recognized figures in the field of human factors provide an understandable overview of cognitive systems engineering (CSE) and joint cognitive systems. "Although CSE was formulated more than twenty years ago, the basic message is certainly not outdated and its full potential has not been yet realized". At the beginning of the book, the authors discuss scientific developments in the 20th century and the effects of technological development on the nature of human work and the concept of "amplification" as "a way of overcoming the limitations of the unaided human" (chapters 1 and 2). Several interesting principles behind CSE are then discussed, including definition, meaning and problem of measurements in empirical science (chapter 3). Chapter 4 is entitled "Coping with Complexity", which the authors define as "effective management or handling of situations where there is little slack, where predictability is low, and where demand and resources change continually". Complexity, control, coping strategies are among other topics discussed. The use of artifacts, defined as "something made for a specific purpose", is extensively and interestingly discussed in chapter 5. The authors explain the "embodiment relation", that an artifact "often serves as an amplifier to strengthen some human capability", and the "hermeneutic relation, that an artifact serves as an interpreter for the user" when communicating with an application. They distinguish between the concepts of "tools" and "prostheses" and discuss how important is to understand artifacts in CSE. In chapter 6, they describe a joint cognitive system as a human-artifact ensemble.

Automations and human machine dependency in the joint cognitive system are among the other topics elaborated upon in this chapter. Chapter 7 discusses control and cognition exclusively. After defining the concepts of control in the cognitive system engineering with some information extrapolated from The Mathematical Theory of Communications, the authors elaborate on topics such
as cognitive modeling. "Time is an integral part of the CSE models as well as the various techniques and strategies". Consequently, the authors among others explain "time" in modeling and control modes (chapter 9). Fascinating topics are well explained for readers of any level of expertise. The last
chapter (chapter 9) provides a brief overview of the actual and potential applications of CSE including work and task design, control room design, and decision support.


Joint Cognitive Systems: Foundation of Cognitive Systems Engineering, Erik Hollnagel and David D. WoodsCRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, 2005. 223 pages.ISBN 10-8493-2821-7

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HCI International 2007 Summary of Submission Requirements & Deadlines

Summary of Submission Requirements & Deadlines
Abstract Length Deadline for Abstract Receipt Notification of Review Outcome Deadline for Receipt of Accepted Proposal
Paper Presentations 800 words 30 October 2006 15 December 2006 16 February 2007
Posters 300 words 12 March 2007 30 March 2007 30 April 2007
Tutorials 300 words 30 October 2006 15 December 2006 30 April 2007
Submit through the Conference Management System (CMS): not yet available

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Plan Early Your Participation at the HCI International 2007 Exhibition

The 12th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, one of the most important international scientific conferences in the area of HCI, will be held on 22-27 July 2007 in Beijing, P.R. China. The HCI International Conference traditionally draws over a thousand scientists, academics and professionals from research institutions, universities, and companies from
all over the world.

The HCI International 2007 exhibits will provide state-of-the-art HCI, Virtual Reality, psychology and computer products and services for users, professionals, and researchers in the field. Attendees will be able to examine state-of-the-art HCI technology and interact with manufacturing representatives, vendors, publishers, and potential employers. By exhibiting at HCI International 2007, you will help to make this an exciting and informative event.

Exhibitors who commit to exhibit early will have a better opportunity in booth location selection and reduced pricing. For more information about the Exhibition, or if you are interested in advertising in the Advance Program and/or Final Program, please contact the Exhibition Administration.

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Sponsorship of HCI International 2007

Organizations wishing to sponsor a special event or to be a general sponsor of the Conference are welcome to contact the Sponsorship Administration.

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Recent Interesting Articles

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Upcoming Conferences and Events in the HCI Area

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Previous Issues of HCI International News are available online

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Contribute to HCI International News

We welcome your contribution to the HCI International News. Please send us
interesting news, short articles, interesting websites, etc. We will consider
your comments and contributions for upcoming issues. Please send your
contribution to the Editor, Dr. Abbas Moallem.

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About HCI International News

The HCI International News is a newsletter about Human - Computer Interaction topics, the HCII 2007 Conference deadlines and activities, the HCII 2007 Exhibition, news in the area of Human - Computer Interaction, and more. If you have any questions or comments, or if you would like to contribute, please contact the Editor, Dr. Abbas Moallem. The opinions that are expressed in this Newsletter are the sole responsibility of its authors and do not represent any institution or company.

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