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HCI International News, Number 20, January 2007


HCII 2007 – Registration

On–line registration for HCI International 2007 is now available through the Conference Management System (CMS).

Registration by the 27th of January 2007 entitles to the early registration fee. More information about the Registration process is available at http://www.hcii2007.org/registration.html.

Do not miss this occasion to participate in HCI International 2007 and the affiliated Conferences, the most worldwide renowned international forum for the dissemination and exchange of up–to–date scientific information on theoretical, generic and applied areas of HCI.

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HCII 2007 – Keynote speaker

Professor Takeo Kanade is the keynote speaker for HCI International 2007. He is the U. A. and Helen Whitaker University Professor of Computer Science and Robotics at Carnegie Mellon University. Prof. Kanade works in multiple areas of robotics and human-robot interaction, including computer vision, multi–media, manipulators, autonomous mobile robots, and sensors. He has written more than 250 technical papers and reports in these areas, and holds more than 15 patents.

He has been the principal investigator of more than a dozen major vision and robotics projects at Carnegie Mellon.

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HCII 2007 – Sponsorship

Organizations wishing to sponsor a special event or to be a general sponsor of the Conference are welcome to contact the Sponsorship Administration.

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HCII 2007 – Advance Program

HCI International 2007 promises to be an unforgettable cluster of high quality international scientific events, and an ideal occasion to come into contact with the most rapidly evolving ICT market in the world. The program will feature:

  • 20 Pre–conference tutorials
  • Opening session with the keynote address
  • More than 200 parallel sessions
  • Poster presentations
  • Exhibition including demonstrations by industrial companies
  • White paper sessions
  • Panel sessions involving important stakeholders from Asia and China
  • Closing plenary panel session with the participation of major international Information and Communication Technology (ICT) industries

The HCII 2007 Advance Program, including information about the 20 Tutorials that will be given as well as the parallel sessions that will take place during the Conference, is now available through the Conference website at: http://www.hcii2007.org/advance.html.

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HCII 2007 – Tutorials

The following pre-conference Tutorials are available at HCII 2007:

Sunday, 22 July 2007
Tutorial Duration Time
T01Introduction to Social Network Analysis
Dr. Panayiotis Zaphiris, Mr. Chee Siang Ang
Half Day09:00 - 12.30
T02Design patterns for UIs on mobile equipment
Mr. Erik G. Nilsson
Half Day09:00 - 12.30
T03Designing for Accessibility: A guide for businesses and researchers
Dr. Simeon Keates
Half Day14:00 - 17.30
T04User Centered Design using Low-Cost Prototyping (UCD@LCP): Paper Mock–Ups & Thinking Aloud
Dr. Andreas Holzinger
Half Day14:00 - 17.30
T05The User Experience with pervasive interactive multimedia systems
Dr. Anxo Cereijo Roibas, Mr. Riccardo Sala
Half Day14:00 - 17.30
T06An Introductory Guide to Doing Task Analysis
Prof. Neville A. Stanton
Half Day14:00 - 17.30

Monday, 23 July 2007
Tutorial Duration Time
T07 An Introduction to Fieldwork for User Centered Designers
Dr. Susan M. Dray, Dr. David Siegel
Full Day 09:00 - 17:30
T08 Cross-Cultural User-Interface Design: For Work, Home, and On the Way
Mr. Aaron Marcus
Full Day 09:00 - 17:30
T09 Cost-effective User-Centred Design based on ISO 13407
Dr. Nigel Bevan
Half Day 09:00 - 12:30
T10 From Interaction to Teamwork in Joint Human-Automation Systems
Dr. Guy Boy, Dr. Jeffrey M. Bradshaw
Half Day 09:00 - 12:30
T11 Advanced Techniques and Tools for HCI Research and Usability Testing
Dr. Lucas P.J.J. Noldus
Half Day 14:00 - 17:30
T12 The Disappearing Computer: Designing Interaction for Smart Artefacts
Dr. Dr. Norbert A. Streitz
Half Day 14:00 - 17:30
T13 Virtual Reality in Mental Health and Rehabilitation: An overview
Dr. Albert "Skip" Rizzo
Half Day 14:00 - 17:30

Tuesday, 24 July 2007
Tutorial Duration Time
T14 Human Information Processing for HCI
Dr. Robert W. Proctor, Dr. Kim–Phuong L. Vu
Full Day 08:30 - 17:00
T15 Matching Emerging ICT Interfaces to User Needs
Dr. Gregg C. Vanderheiden
Full Day 08:30 - 17:00
T16 Mobile User–Interface Design: For Work, Home, and On the Way
Mr. Aaron Marcus
Full Day 08:30 - 17:00
T17 Reducing Risk Through Human Centred Design
Dr. Nigel Bevan
Half Day 08:30 - 12:00
T18 An introduction to biometric identification methodologies
Prof. Michael Fairhurst
Half Day 08:30 - 12:00
T19 Everywhere Interfaces
Prof. Alois Ferscha
Half Day 13:30 - 17:00

Game Not Over: Why Disabled Gamers Can't Play Your Game Titles and How to Fix It!
Ms. Michelle Hinn, Dr. Dimitris Grammenos, Mr. Richard Van Tol, Dr. Anthony Savidis

Half Day 13:30 - 17:00

You can select your preferred tutorial(s) while registering to HCII 2007 through the CMS.

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HCII 2007 – Exhibition

The HCI International Conference is an ideal opportunity to exhibit your products and services to an international audience of about 2,000 researchers, academics, professionals and users in the field of HCI.

Attendees will be able to examine state–of–the–art HCI technology and interact with manufacturing representatives, vendors, publishers, and potential employers. By exhibiting at HCI International 2007, you will help to make this an exciting and informative event. More information about Exhibition can be found at the Conference website.

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HCII 2007 – Conference Proceedings

Printed and Digital Library Proceedings: The Proceedings, comprising the papers to be presented at the Conference, will be published by Springer in a multi–volume paperback book edition in the Lecture Notes in Computer Science series (LNCS). They will be available on-line through the LNCS Digital Library, readily accessible by all subscribing libraries around the world.

Proceedings available in CD/DVD: The Proceedings will also be published by Springer in CD/DVD that will be provided to the Conference participants in their registration bags. This CD/DVD will also include, in addition to the papers, the extended abstracts of the posters that will be presented during the conference. As the CD/DVD will have its own separate ISBN number, posters can also be easily referenced.

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HCII 2007 – Accommodation

Beijing Continental Grand Hotel (BCGH), a 4 star hotel, is recommended as the main hotel of the Conference. It is next door to the Conference venue BICC, and connected to it via an indoor corridor. A number of rooms have been reserved and reduced hotel rates have been agreed with BCGH. Early hotel booking is highly recommended. Room reservations should be made directly with the hotel through e–mail or fax, using the reservation form provided at the Conference website.

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HCII 2007 - Social Events

The following guided tours have been organised for the Conference Participants:

  • 21 July 2007: Great Wall – Ming Tombs (price per person: USD 45)
  • 26 July 2007: Forbidden City (price per person: USD 25)
  • 27 July 2007: Summer Palace (price per person: USD 20)
  • 28 July 2007: Great Wall – Ming Tombs (price per person: USD 45)

Reservations for local tours are handled through the Conference Management System (CMS) during Conference registration. More information about the social events can be found at the Conference website.

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Malaysia and ICTs

Malaysia is located in South-east Asia and has a population of about 24 million people. Geographically, Malaysia comprises West Malaysia and East Malaysia (on the island of Borneo). Formerly an agricultural-based economy, Malaysia has in the past couple decades shifted to an economy based on manufacturing and industry. To further advance Malaysia, the Vision 2020 has been put in place, according to which the country is envisaged to achieve a developed nation status in the year 2020; in particular, Malaysia aims to become a competitive knowledge-based economy. ICT has been identified as the key enabler to this process and as such, in the drive towards this Vision, a 750 sq. km. (290 sq. mile) area was designated as the Multimedia Super Corridor (MSC). In addition to attractive tax incentives, the MSC is equipped with the latest info-structure to attract both local and international ICT companies to setup in the MSC. Today, there are about 2,000 companies granted with MSC status. These companies require employees who are equipped with the necessary capabilities and knowledge (such as knowledge of HCI). This would allow them to develop quality software systems.

An indication of the extent that HCI has been accepted by the academic community is the teaching of HCI courses in study programmes offered by public (government funded) institutions of higher learning (IHL) in Malaysia. Eighty–three percent (10) of twelve public IHL offer HCI courses at the various levels of the study programmes. The majority of the courses are taught at the second and third year of the degree programme. (At present, all Bachelor degrees in ICT are three-year programmes.)

Although currently there is no large research institute specifically dedicated to HCI per se, there are many researchers working in the HCI field. Many of the research projects are locally–funded, and cover areas such as multimodal interaction and integration, eye-tracking, augmented reality, design and usability evaluation of websites for multicultural users, emotional usability, user modeling, as well as, areas specific to Malaysia, such as, culture, credibility and trust in websites. With regards to usability laboratories in Malaysia, there are two, one in Universiti Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS) and the other in Universiti Sains Malaysia.

Malaysian researchers publish in numerous journals and HCI conferences worldwide. HCI–related conferences that have been held in Malaysia include Work with Computing Systems (WWCS) in 2004 in Kuala Lumpur, the Seventh Southeast Asian Ergonomics Society (SEAES) and Fourth Malaysian Ergonomics Conference (SEAMEC) in 2003 in Kuching, East Malaysia. Many of the conferences in Malaysia contain an HCI track, such as in the Fifth International Conference on IT in Asia 2007.

The number of public IHL offering HCI courses, and the presence of HCI tracks in conferences, indicate that awareness, knowledge and research of HCI is established in academia. However, in industry, there is only a limited number of companies which provide HCI–related services in the area of user interface design and usability engineering; such companies are typically involved in website designs. To the authors' knowledge, other than universities, there is only one consulting firm in human factors consulting company in Malaysia, that is, Damai Sciences.

HCI has still not reached the same importance that is placed in developed nations in North America and Europe. This may be due to the fact that the software industry in Malaysia is still maturing; most of the software packages used in Malaysia is imported. (A matured software industry generally requires greater significance being placed on HCI to develop usable software systems.) Today, there is a push for the creation of more local content in ICTs in Malaysia.

In addition, greater emphasis is also given in creating more technopreneurs.

These measures should bring about greater development and progress in the software industry, which in turn, augurs well for HCI researchers and practitioners.

Dr. Alvin W. Yeo, Deputy Dean Faculty of Computer Science Universiti Malaysia Sarawak.

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Book Review: Handbook of Human Factors and Ergonomics (3rd Ed.)

By: Don Norman

I'm often asked for reading suggestions, especially for references to the literature on Human Factors and Ergonomics.

In the past few months, I have been reading chapters of one book that has it all: Gavriel Salvendy's massive tome, the Handbook of human factors and ergonomics. It is huge, with over 1,500 pages and 61 chapters. It takes two pages just to list the advisors, ten pages to list the authors of the chapters. It is also expensive: $250.

Buy it.

The articles are all excellent. They all reflect up-to-date reviews of the areas they cover. They are wonderful self-study material, wonderful references, and would make excellent material in multiple courses. Yes, it is obscenely expensive, but this one book is the equivalent of ten normal books. Consider it as essential piece of professional equipment.

Buy it. Use it.

If you don't know human factors, this is a great way to find the parts relevant to your work. And even if you are an expert, this book will be valuable because it is unlikely that you are expert at all the topics covered here, yet very likely you will need some of the ones you are not (yet) expert at. I follow my own advice. I consider myself an expert (I am a Fellow of the Human Factors Society), but I still learn each time I read from these pages.

So yes, grit your teeth and buy the book.

Handbook of Human Factors and Ergonomics (3dr Ed.), Gavriel Salvendy (Ed.),
2005: Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.
Table of Contents (with brief abstract of each chapter): http://www3.interscience.wiley.com/cgi-bin/bookhome/112467581/

NOTE: This book review appears in the website of Don Norman, and is published here with his permission.

The review was originally written in a typical web style rather than a scientific journal style. It was jointly decided by the review author and the Editor–in–Chief of the UAIS Journal to publish this review without modifications.

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Brief Book Review: Designing for Accessibility: A Business Guide to Countering Design Exclusion

By: Abbas Moallem

Are you involved in the accessibility program in your company? Are you looking for a document to educate yourself or your management on accessible user interface design? Do you want to know how to proceed to design for accessibility? If your answer to any of these questions is "yes" then you should read "Designing for Accessibility". In this compact book, the author provides ample explanation of accessibility in user interface and the related laws and regulations (Chapter 1), then in a very practical manner the author provides input on how one should make a business case for accessibility, involve senior management and implement accessibility projects (Chapters 2, 3, 4, and 5). Following, the author presents several case studies including the accessibility program at IBM (Chapters 7, 9 and 12). In addition, a variety of useful and informative tips are offered for the implementation of accessibility in design, including: recruiting participants, user involvement and tools and techniques. The book is very interesting whenever it is directly dealing and focusing on accessibility issues and becomes more general whenever it deviates from the topic.

Sometimes, it appears that it would have been more helpful to the readers to have more technical information about accessibility standards instead of more generic descriptions of user–centered design. In conclusion, the author is successful in helping the reader to implement design for accessibility within a company and should one wish to become involved in this area, reading this book is a very good way to start.

Designing for Accessibility: A Business Guide to Countering Design Exclusion, Simeon Keates, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc. Publishers, 2007, 166 pages, ISBN 0–8058–6096–7

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Participate in an international study for usability and user research practitioners

Questionnaire has max. 21 questions/about 15 min. Number of questions may be less if all questions do no apply.
URL: http://digiumenterprise.com/answer/?sid=79380&chk=H4DT65FF

About the questionnaire: The questionnaire is for HCI practitioners and researchers who have been conducting laboratory or field studies. It is intended to gather data about the purposes, challenges and opinions of field and lab methods internationally. Later on we hope to make a summary available for the whole HCI community. All the responses are anonymous and they will be utilized for research purposes only. Thank you for your participation, your answer is valuable to us.

Gratefully yours,Mia Lahteenmaki, Nokia Research Center Helsinki and Helsinki University of Technology, Finland (firstname.lastname@nokia.com) Sari Kujala Institute of Human-Centered Technology, Tampere University of Technology, Finland Kelly Monahan, Sharon McDonald, Gilbert *bleep*ton Human Computer Systems Group, University of Sunderland, U.K.

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Announcing a New Human Factors Program at California State University, Long Beach, CA USA

California State University, Long Beach is pleased to announce a new Master of Science in Human Factors Psychology. Established in 2005, this program prepares students for human factors careers with a curriculum that emphasizes both interdisciplinary course work and "hands on" research and design experiences that can be obtained in our human factors' centers of excellence. Although the program offers a terminal MS degree, its emphasis on research and design provides excellent preparation for advanced graduate work.

The faculty in the CSULB Human Factors program is currently involved in many areas of human factors, such as situation awareness in advanced air traffic management systems, memorability of passwords, auditory/visual display design, display–control compatibility, aviation psychology, simulation methods, web design, and usability testing. Most of this work takes place in our two Centers of Excellence in Human Factors: The Center for the Study of Advanced Aeronautics Technologies (CSAAT), a venue for research and training in air traffic management simulation, and the Center for Usability in Design and Assessment (CUDA), a center for research and training in usability testing and interface design. In-house internships are available in both centers, and scholarships have been made available from the Boeing University Relations Program. Students have also obtained internships in local aerospace, medical, and computer organizations.

The MS–HF program already has an active student chapter of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society. In fact, the chapter received the designation of Best Student Chapter in 2005 by HFES. This year the students will be organizing the 2nd Annual Regional CSU Conference at Long Beach.

For more information about our program, contact Dr. Tom Strybel or Dr. Kim Vu. For applications, please contact our graduate advisor, Diane Roe.

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News: Gavriel Salvendy received the highest Science and Technology award in the P.R. China

In wake of HCI International 2007 conference in China, Professor Gavriel Salvendy has received the Friendship Award which is the highest Science and Technology award in the P.R. China. He was presented this by Premier Wen Jiabao in the Great Hall of the People in Tiananmen Square. Congratulations, Professor Salvendy.

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Recent Interesting Articles

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IEA International 2008

2nd International Conference on Applied Ergonomics 14–17 July 2008: Caesars Palace, Las Vegas, USA

You are cordially invited to participate in AE International 2008 and the affiliated HAAMAHA conference which are jointly held under one management and one registration. The conference objective is to provide an international forum for the dissemination and exchange of scientific information on theoretical, generic, and applied areas of ergonomics, including physical ergonomics, cognitive ergonomics, social and organizational ergonomics, ergonomics modeling and usability evaluation, healthcare and special populations, safety and ergonomics in manufacturing. This will be accomplished through the following six modes of communication: keynote presentation, parallel sessions, demonstration and poster sessions, tutorials, exhibitions and meetings of special interest groups. The four-day conference will start with tutorials.

More information about IEA International 2008 is available at: http://www.aei2008.org/

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Upcoming Conferences and Events in the HCI Area



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Conferences Announcement

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HCI International Conference series - new website

A new website has been lunched regarding the HCI International Conference series, founded by Prof. Gavriel Salvendy (Purdue University, USA, and Tsinghua University, P.R. China). The website hosts information about all eleven conferences that have taken place so far, starting from the 1st USA-Japan Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, which was held in Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, 18-20 August 1984.

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Previous Issues of HCI International News are available online

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Contribute to HCI International News

We welcome your contribution to the HCI International News. Please send us interesting news, short articles, interesting websites, etc. We will consider your comments and contributions for upcoming issues. Please send your contribution to the Editor, Dr. Abbas Moallem.

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About HCI International News

The HCI International News is a newsletter about Human - Computer Interaction topics, the HCII 2007 Conference deadlines and activities, the HCII 2007 Exhibition, news in the area of Human - Computer Interaction, and more. If you have any questions or comments, or if you would like to contribute, please contact the Editor, Dr. Abbas Moallem. The opinions that are expressed in this Newsletter are the sole responsibility of its authors and do not represent any institution or company.

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